Vacant positions at Aleks Steen

Open positions at Aleks Steen ApS
Industrial technician
Are you an experienced industrial technician with knowledge of production cells, Mori Seiki lathes with Fanuc programming?
We have an exciting opportunity for you at Aleks Steen machine factory.
We are looking for a dedicated and experienced industrial technician to work with our automated machines and production.
Please send your application and CV to
Please specify "Industrial Technician - Aleks Steen" in the subject field or apply on Linkedin by clicking "Apply for the job here."
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Uopfordret ansøgning
Vi er altid interesserede i at høre fra dedikerede og talentfulde personer, der kunne tænke sig at blive en del af vores team.
Du er derfor altid velkommen til at sende en uopfordret ansøgning til att.: Jørgen Larsen eller at ringe til Jørgen på +45 20 82 27 00
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