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Self-determination and a good social atmosphere increase job satisfaction

As responsible for our processing center, Industrial Technician, Lars Hansen, manages our five CNC milling machines. It is Lars’ job to develop software tools for the individual productions on the machines, set each individual machine for the specific task, and feed the machines with items so that they are constantly running.


”I set the milling machines to mill holes in precise places in a component that allow the component to be fixed or joined together. I like my work because I largely decide the order of the tasks myself and work with the workshop’s newest machines”.


Lars and his colleagues in the production each work with their own areas of responsibility, but what everyone in Aleks Steen ApS has in common is that you largely define your working day yourself. Freedom with responsibility gives the employees the opportunity to use the strengths they each have – professional and personal.


Mathematical tasks makes working days exciting

”I love developing the machine’s programming tools, where I always start by measuring; find the zero point of the workpiece and then, just like on a coordinate system, place the milling precisely on the workpiece based on it. Mathematical thinking motivates my work satisfaction”.


In addition to his work with the milling machines, Lars is also both trustee and safety representative in Aleks Steen ApS. He gladly takes on the entrusted tasks – he loves having many irons in the fire. Therefore, Lars is happy about our four-day working week, where the longer workingdays Monday to Thursday give him working hours to finish his many tasks in return for a good, long weekend that awaits him on Thursday evening. During his long weekends he has the time to relax and get ready for Monday morning, where Lars and his colleagues turn in early to start the week’s production of new quality items for our customers.

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